Monday 14 March 2011

14 March 2011 !sedih ,kua nan kwn2 ,brtunang ??

14 march begins wif sadness ....haha cm sengal juh ....i read a short text last night ,n wif a blink of eyes i realize tat evrthng has change !! lps bce emg da pk da "ouh okeyh it's over !thats 4 sure ...okeyh erin take this in a positive side ."and ak sedang cube tok trime ..i'll try my best mle2 sje wt ta phm then this came out .....

"Dan janganlah kamu campur adukkan yang hak dengan yang batil dan janganlah kamu sembunyikan yang hak itu ,sedangkan kamu mengetahui."
from the text ofcoz ..5 bln 13 ary brakhir dgn STU AYT SHJA !! ble d pk2 kn blek ,kelakar la plk "huh ap kena nan ko niy erin !"hahahaha
N alhamdulillah brakhir dgn baik jerk ..still cool n the most important things iss KTEURG still KWN !!(^_^)
and i hope it always be !!!lots of love 4 u b !!<3

tngh ary plk kua nan kengkwn ...library n secret recipe !!BEST BEST BEST !! lame da ta jmpe kourg so tdy kre cm lps rndu laa!!hehe ..yg kua plk tuh sume nye sweet couples..da maju kourg niy huhuhu~ elng gak busan ak duk kt uma cuti2 niy ..guys girls ,kua agy jom ..ahaks !xDD

and today I just been informed that my bestis already engaged ....OMG it is a big deal ,same umo plk tuh !!!!!cm ta cye je but nowadays ,pape pn boly jdy ..
p/s ;babe i wished u the best of luck 4 wthever u gonna face after this ..ak doakan semuge ka kekal nan dye ..(ak taw ka bce blog ak ,XD)